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Author: Lily Wilson - Page 2

Lily Wilson
Full Name:Lily Wilson
Lily Wilson is a 34 year-old homestay freelance academic writer. Lily runs her personal blog AnAwfulLotofWriting and works as a contributing academic writer at ThePensters.com

Posts by Lily Wilson - Page 2

Role Model Essay

A role model is a person that usually possesses all individual’s desirable features. Role model essay is a kind of descriptive essays with the objective to characterize and verbally depict a typical hero, explain the reasons for such a choice, and establish the described person’s role in one’s life. Writing… Read More →

Rogerian Argument Essay Example

Imagine that a teacher assigns to write a Rogerian style essay and does not explain the details. There is no need to panic since a well-structured and concise Rogerian argument essay example would come in handy in this situation. The long literature guides would take more time and might even… Read More →

Scholarly Paper

Almost every person who has ever faced the educational or scientific activities knows what a scholarly paper is. It is the appropriate source for finding what has been researched or studied on a topic. However, it is a standard practice of the educational establishments to ask a student to write… Read More →

Science Essay Sample

Writing a science essay is fairly considered to be one of the most important aspects of the educational process. Subsequently, a student may receive an academic degree and proceed with a professional career only in case of being aware of the major rules and principles underlying the composition of a… Read More →

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