ThePensters: One-to-One Writing Help – The Best Topics for Essay Writing

There are hundreds of writing agencies on the Internet – so why should you choose any in particular? Well, what about a one-of-a-kind approach to client/writer interaction? How about working with talented writers capable of generating tons of ideas on expository, discursive, cause and effect, descriptive, persuasive or any other kind of an essay? Instead of assigning a writer ourselves, we give you an opportunity to study their previous records and make your own choice!

With, it is quite easy to get one-to-one writing help with selecting a good essay topic from the expert you choose yourself. So, do not waste time anymore - place the order, wait until the best candidate bids for your order and get the needed piece of writing composed for your special benefit.

You Ask What We Can Do for You?

Need someone competent to help with that term paper and finish your MBA? Do you have a huge list of questions on how to create an outline or choose the right titles for your paper?

Whatever your essay topic and discipline you study, there are authors on our staff who will be able to write a spectacular essay about it!

Your Problem Our solution
Writing isn’t your priority, you can’t afford to waste time on doing a paper. The task is performed by those who do it every day for years.
You have an extremely difficult topic to handle. Our writers can generate both easy and complex projects on general and the most specific topics.
You don’t understand the intricacies of formatting. After writing hundreds of essays, our writers know all ins and outs of formatting.
Library research takes too much time. Experience allows our writers to do it more efficiently.
As a foreign student, you just don’t get English grammar. We make sure to hire only writers with excellent English writing skills.
Your writing leaves much to be desired. Only the best of the best are allowed to work for us.
You want to have guarantees as for writer’s expertise. Every expert is ready to provide a simple example of his previous work to prove his credibility.

Dozens of assignments competing for your attention, incomprehensible instructions of your tutors, hours spent writing and rewriting a single page...

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In What Way Is ThePensters Unique?

We combine all the qualities attributed to good writing agencies:

  • creative topics for essays in case you can’t think of your own one;
  • available 24/7;
  • no danger of somebody finding out about our transactions;
  • strict anti-plagiarism policy;
  • refund guarantee in case something is amiss;
  • satisfaction guarantee for all clients;
  • you may pay in installments if necessary.

Moreover, we boast of the set of features that give us an edge over our competitors:

  • The choice is always yours. You deal not with a faceless agency, but with a particular writer you hire.
  • Free communication between the writer and the client. We are not afraid of allowing our writers to talk directly to those they work for.
  • It’s your call to define when the job is done. The writer will work on your project until you are satisfied with the results.
  • We strive for affordability. By constantly improving our organization and work procedure, we keep our fees low.
Submit your order details and get bids from our freelance writers in just seconds Submit new order

What Is Our Approach?

And now let’s see in details how we work.

how it works Submit new order Get bids from writers Choose your writer

Step 1. You write the description of your project and leave it via the New Order form.

Step 2. Writers look at your project and place their bids, offering their price and conditions.

Step 3. You compare their bids, look at their profiles, previous records, feedback from other clients, ratings and decide who will be the best for your essay.

See? It is much better than writing on your own or hiring some random person you know nothing about.

But what will guarantee that the writer is good? A legitimate question, but not without an answer:

  1. Rigorous entry testing. We care about our reputation, and before hiring a new writer we subject him to a round of tests that give us an opportunity to judge his or her abilities, knowledge of the subject, grasp of literary English, writing style and so on.
  2. Clients leave their own grades. Even if the writer passes the test, it doesn’t mean we will keep him forever. If the ratings given to his work by clients leave much to be desired, he will be promptly ignored by you.

With us, you leave the argument of choosing between price and quality behind.

Help yourself to our rich collection of papers that you can use for referencing, personal prompts and inspirational purposes. You will find all kinds of examples: Argumentative papers, book reviews, you name it. Our samples are at your disposal free of charge, nothing required.

We work on all conceivable and inconceivable custom essay topics, we are ready to provide the best content at short notice, we have hundreds of native speaking writers at our disposal – you won’t find anything even remotely approaching our offer on the Internet. Try us now – and you will never regret it!

Essay Topic Examples

  • Zoos are commonly seen as poor alternatives to a natural environment. Discuss some of the arguments for and/or against keeping animals in zoos.
  • Are professional athletes paid too much?
  • Should teachers wear uniforms or follow a dress code?
  • Should nuclear weapons ever be used? What circumstance would require the use of nuclear weapons?
  • Should boys and girls be in separate classes?
  • Will atheism ever be more popular than being religious?
  • To what extent is the use of animals in scientific research acceptable?
  • What age is appropriate for dating?
  • Pretend you woke up one day and there were no rules. People could suddenly do whatever they wanted. Explain what the world would be like. Use your imagination.